The fox and the stork

One day the fox invited the stork for dinner. The fox prepared a delicious food. When the stork have arrived he was astonished, but the meal was prepared in a flat plate. Because the stork has a long beak she couldn’t reached the soup and in the end, she remained hungry.
- ” Thank you for your invitation, let me return it ” asked the leaving stork ” Come around tomorrow for dinner. ”
The fox accepted the invitation. Next day the stork prepared an even more delicious dinner than the fox’s dinner yesterday. The fox was very hungry but he received a long-neck bottle. Try as he might he couldn’t reach the food but the stork gobbled up the food easily. So now the fox remained hungry.
- Something is wrong? – asked the stork – Don’t be sad, I’ve learned it from you. Yesterday you made a fool of me and today I’ve returned the favor.
So we can learn: Bad behavior will be returned as well.

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